Tender Coaching & Mentoring

Submissions usually mean working hard while continuing with 'Business As Usual'. A good tender coach can help you work smarter, reduce your stress and increase your success rate.


  • The busy professionals we mentor gain time & energy from working smarter
  • You benefit from our dedication to knowledge transfer: we love to see our clients skill-up
  • We fit your size and shape: we're a flexible, boutique consultancy
  • You can draw on our experience: we're accredited coaches with decades of experience under our belts

Many professionals working on proposals feel intense pressure with the arrival of a new submission project. A survey from the Association of Proposal Management Professionals* suggests that:

  • 55% of those surveyed felt they were under-resourced.
  • 96% agreed that the skills requirements around tender submissions are increasing.
  • Just 55% had a clear training program in place.

Working harder isn't often possible, and increased headcount a rare luxury. Working smarter however, is almost always an option.

A good tender coach can help you develop specific skills and processes to reduce the heavy lifting at submission time.

Who Benefit From Tender Coaching?

  • Professionals who have 'fallen' into their role without formal tender training, and need some gaps filled.
  • Busy BDMs who want to reduce the repetitive administration of their submissions, and to make the most of re-use material.
  • Anyone who feels siloed in their role and would like wider tender insights.

What Can a Good Tender Coach Do For You?

  • Assist you to build a bespoke Proposal Management Process
  • Help you devise a Bid/No-Bid strategy for your business
  • Grow your negotiation skills.
  • Help you develop a library of quality 're-use' material.
  • Teach you how to manage multiple streams of content and hit deadlines.
Contact Tender Success to talk about coaching and mentoring in your organisation.

*source: CSK Management / APMP "The Big Proposal Management Survey 2008/2009"